Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don’t shoot their husbands.


When life gives the the opportunity to use one of the most overused Legally Blonde lines for a blog title, you take it!

Scripted lines or not this statement stands true.  Exercise does indeed give you endorphins and endorphins do make people happy, Elle Woods was no liar.  I used to absolutely detest going to the gym, every last thing about it.  To this day it is still not one of my favorite things to do, more like a chore I need to cross off my list.  But like most chores it is the after-reward that makes it worth it.  Just like cleaning your room is a pain, you can’t deny how much better you feel once it is cleaned. Same with the gym. Once you put in your hard work and time you get to go home, take a hot shower, and you feel amazing! I always find it easier to smile after a workout. I, as many white girls in their twenties, suffer from BRF (bitchy resting face).

After putting some time in at the gym smiling seems to come easier and I am typically in a happier mood!  THAT is what keeps me going to the gym.